Uniting Voices: Advocating for Blood Clot Awareness on Capitol Hill

March 14, 2024, 5:45 p.m. Health

Read time estimation: 3 minutes. Blood Clot Awareness


March marks Blood Clot Awareness Month, a crucial time for advocates, survivors, and healthcare professionals to come together and shed light on a silent yet deadly threat. Every six minutes, an American loses their life to a blood clot—a statistic that cannot be ignored. On March 7th, a chorus of voices echoed through the halls of Capitol Hill, united in a mission to raise awareness, secure funding, and save lives.

The Collective Journey:

Amongst the crowd of advocates stood individuals from all walks of life—survivors sharing their stories of resilience, healthcare professionals armed with expertise, and dedicated supporters amplifying the cause. Together, we embarked on a journey to Capitol Hill, where we would make our voices heard in the corridors of power.

Marching on Capitol Hill:

Our meetings with members of Congress were a testament to the power of advocacy. Armed with facts, figures, and personal narratives, we urged lawmakers to prioritize funding for blood clot research and education. We spoke of the devastating impact of blood clots on individuals and families, emphasizing the urgent need for action.

A Partnership for Progress:

In our advocacy efforts, we found a steadfast partner in the National Blood Clot Alliance (NBCA). Through collaboration and coordination, we strengthened our message and extended our reach. The resources and support provided by NBCA were instrumental in driving our advocacy forward and making a meaningful impact.

Advocacy in Action:

Advocacy is more than just raising awareness—it's about driving tangible change. Our collective efforts on Capitol Hill sparked important conversations and garnered bipartisan support for increased funding. We saw firsthand the power of advocacy to shape policy and save lives.

Building on Progress:

As Blood Clot Awareness Month draws to a close, our work continues. We must build on the progress made on Capitol Hill and keep the momentum alive. Through ongoing advocacy, education, and outreach, we can ensure that blood clot awareness remains a priority and that lives are saved.


Standing shoulder to shoulder on Capitol Hill, we proved that united voices can make a difference. As we reflect on our advocacy efforts during Blood Clot Awareness Month, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to raising awareness, securing funding, and saving lives. Together, we can turn the tide against blood clots and create a safer, healthier future for all.

Additional Resources:

For more information on blood clot awareness and advocacy efforts, visit the National Blood Clot Alliance (NBCA) website at www.stoptheclot.org . Join us in the fight against blood clots and together, let's make a difference.